Meet Appleseed
“Technology will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.”
– George Couros
Nicole Bongard
My first experience with Apple computers came over 30 years ago at Parsons School of Design in NYC, where I majored in Communication Design. Working in graphic design for many years enabled me to learn the ins and outs of the Mac, and everything Adobe.
Moving to Boston and freelancing from my home didn't allow for much social interaction, so I decided meet like-minded folks working part time at Apple Computer as a Mac Specialist. After another move to San Francisco's Union Square Apple store, I worked to design and implement a robust custom training program for employees, specific to the Flagship's systems.
During these years at Apple, I discovered that my passion is more inline with the technological side of design, and training. Over the years, I’ve fine-tuned robust technical skills, including network setup and management and support for various peripherals.
Many customers who purchased a pile of Apple products and related gear were uneasy when it came to taking it home, setting it up and getting everything to work. I decided to leave retail and launch Appleseed Consultants, allowing me to provide premium quality, in-home support to address this issue. Recently, I’ve discovered that I can assist with many issues remotely via Zoom, and now have clients in different parts of the world.
My focus has always been on teaching people how to be more efficient and to feel empowered, not fearful, when it comes to technology.
Please give a call and see how Appleseed can help you learn about your Mac and keep it up-to-date, safe and secure, and backed up. We’ll also look at your network to ensure it’s speedy and secure. And don't forget, if you don't have a Mac yet, Appleseed can help you to choose (and purchase) the right one for you, set it up and help you to accomplish everything that interests you.