Appleseed Consultants

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Those pesky hackers are at it again.

Every day, hackers are getting more sophisticated and sneaky. It used to be that you might get popups or phone calls telling you your computer has been affected (Apple and Microsoft would NEVER call you about something like this), and yes, these scams are still out there.

But now, I hear that "banks" are calling people to tell them their account has been hacked and that during this phone call, the caller can "help move the money to a more secure account".

If you ever get a call like this from what sounds like your bank, simply respond with "Thanks, I'll look into this after my appointment that's starting in 5 minutes." Hang up, call your bank (or stop in), and mention the phone call. If there was a caller ID number associated with the call, give that to your actual bank representative. In addition, the FBI wants to know details about these calls, and you can report them by caling (202) 324-3000, or online at tips(dot)fbi(dot)gov.